
First possibility:

The Hotel Universel invites us to take advantage of its preferential rates for academics. Just steps from the campus of Laval University, Hôtel Universel offers comfortable rooms, a Nordic spa, an indoor pool and an exercise room.

Cost: $ 109 / room for single or double occupancy ($10 / additional guest).

*Continental breakfast available at an additional cost of $15.

Reservation website : www.hoteluniversel.qc.ca/en

Address: 2300 Sainte-Foy Road, Quebec, QC, Canada, G1V 1S5

Payment: By cheque or credit card before May 24, 2014.

To take advantage of the preferential rate (valid up to a day before and after the conference), please mention the name and number of the group when you reserve: NAACI Conference, #184389.

For information and reservations: 1-800-463-449; info@hoteluniversel.qc.ca



Second possibility:

The Campus Residences of Laval University

“Student” Room (with common bathroom):

$43 + tax per night for single occupancy (*breakfast included)

$30 + tax per night for double occupancy (*breakfast included)

“Luxury” Room (with private bathroom):

$82 + tax per night for single occupancy

$88 + tax per night for double occupancy (*breakfast included)



Before April for “Luxury” Rooms

Anytime before the conference for “Student” Rooms

Address: 2255 Université Road, #1604, Quebec, QC, Canada, G1V OA7

To reserve, use the following form and select the proper event in the scrolling list at the end:
For information, contact us directly at 418-656-5632 or by email at: hebergement@sres.ulaval.ca and mention the name of the event.


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